Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Olive Oil Hair Treatment

Here’s a great hot oil hair treatment! No need to spend money on pricey hot oil treatments from the salons and drugstores. This is a great, all natural method without any added ingredients & chemicals.

The oil:
Today, I used the olive oil that I already had on hand in my kitchen pantry. However, you could use coconut oil, argan oil, sunflower oil, or whatever other type you wanted. Ideally, organic is best because there aren't yucky additives.

I poured half a cup of oil into my measuring cup and heated it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
Note- You may need more or less oil depending on your hair length. I discarded the bit I had leftover.
CAUTION: Every microwave is different. Be careful to not burn yourself. Test the oil before applying.

Thoroughly coat your hair and scalp. I like to massage it into my scalp to help with dryness. I try to make sure that my hair is pretty well saturated with oil. Next , wrap your hair up in plastic wrap. You can also use a towel. Let the oil sit for 30 minutes. Today, I actually got busy with online tasks and my hair treatment ended up lasting an hour.

Tip: use old clothes, or go au naturel (aka naked!) I was dripping olive oil all over the place. At one time, it was rolling down my forehead and onto my nose & lips.

Once your time is up, unwrap your hair and jump into the shower or tub. (Be careful if you’re really jumping! Ha!) Here’s the tricky part: make sure you wash your hair REALLY well. It usually takes multiple washes to get all of the oil out of the hair. Today, I washed twice with Dawn® dish soap and then once with my regular shampoo. I always wash my hair at least once with Dawn® when doing the oil treatment. It really helps.

Tip: if this is your first attempt at doing an at-home hot oil treatment, aim to do it on a day when you're not leaving the house! Just in case. You don’t want to rush off to work with your head looking like it was dunked in a deep fryer!

After you have thoroughly removed the oil from your hair, you may style as usual. Enjoy your soft & shiny locks!

What's your go-to DIY hair products or treatments?


  1. Your hair looks fantastic! I have olive oil and I'm sure gonna try it (and not jump into the shower too quickly). You use dish soap? I wouldn't have even considered it!

  2. Dropping by from Sincerely, Paula's Linky party (#90). :)

  3. Thank you for sharing this frugal, natural and very effective hair treatment with us at the Hearth and Soul hop!

  4. I have a lot of hair that needs taming and this technique sounds like something I need to do! thanks for linking up at the #HomeMattersParty
